Today I learned something. I am a part of a writer’s group where I work. I share a large table with writers who are twice my age in some cases. We meet every Wednesday at 1pm to share what we have written over the week.

Today only 2 of us had something to share.
The rest of our writers group came to listen.
When the two of us who had written this week had finished sharing, we sat around the table together in silence for a few moments.
Then one lady spoke up and asked if she could explain why she hadn’t written anything.
“I’m going through a lot right now.” This is an understatement, and all of us around our table know it. This writer is a survivor of abuse and Canada’s residential school system. She has also recently lost some of her dear family members.
Her story has been HER STORY.
Week by week she has been revealing parts of her life that she has never shared with anyone.
It has been a powerful experience for her and for us to be able to hear what she has lived through.
“I just feel like I don’t have anything to share right now.” She continued.
We all nodded our understanding.
“But I wanted to be here because I love listening to your stories. They help me.”
I thought that was amazing.
But she kept talking.
“I know that at some point, if I keep showing up, my story will flow again.”
That stayed with me all afternoon.
If I keep showing up, my story will flow again.
Maybe you need to hear that today.
Maybe you’re feeling frustrated with your English. Maybe you have been going through a lot, and it just feels impossible to push forward.
My friend, if that’s you, please hear my writer friend’s words today.
Sometimes it’s enough to just keep showing up. Your story WILL flow again.
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