All it can take is hearing someone talking next to you to make you lose your idea or train of thought. That can happen anywhere and anytime – it even happens in your own language! But what you don't want to have happen is to get distracted by something happening around you while you're doing the...
If you’re learning English, you know all about fear! You likely feel it every single time you try to use a new word or phrase. Fear, self-doubt, and negative self-talk are real obstacles you will face on your journey to become fluent in English. Today’s episode will encourage you to break through fear by becoming...
Do you ever feel like your English skills and develop has somehow frozen? Like it’s stuck? Maybe before you felt like it was growing and getting stronger….but now, it’s…. well, not any more! (At least that’s what it feels like, anyway.) If you’re feeling stuck with your English skills, then maybe it’s because you’re missing...
How you practice English is vitally important. We've all had times where we've been physically present, but mentally somewhere else. This happens to all of us. But if you are wanting to see your English skills improve, you need to focus on HOW you are engaging with English each day. Thank you for listening! I've...
In today's episode we talk about the importance of being uncomfortable as you develop your English skills. Specifically, we talk about what to do with those terrible embarrassing moments that happen to all of us as we try to use a new language – in your case, English! Don't let embarrassment stop you from growing...
In this episode of the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast, I'll be sharing with you about the habit of frequency. The Habit of Contact – from episode 1, is all about you needing to create time each day for you to practice your English. The Habit of Frequency is all about helping you to create...
Welcome to the Speak English Fearlessly Podcast. In this episode, I will introduce you to the first core habit of successful English learners. This core habit will change the way you learn and practice your English – and it is absolutely vital that you learn how to master it. It's called: The Habit of Contact. ...