Welcome to my best of 2023 series of episodes.
I’m taking the month of December off from this podcast, but don’t worry: I’ve got you covered with weekly episodes that feature some of my best or most dowloaded content from my first season.
It’s not just a replay – I’ll intro each session to let you know a little more about it.
Today, we’re dropping back to my first ever episode of this podcast! Episode 1, which is one of my favourites.
This is a vitally important episode because it talks about a habit that every language learner needs to have in their life if they want to see their English skills grow and develop.
Not practicing this habit will set your English development back years!
This episode is brought to you by my free English Snapshot resource.
This tool is a simple but powerful way for you to get a picture of your contact with each day. It will show you if you have a 1st language bubble around you that is working against your goal of becoming fluent in English. Grab it free here: www.celpipsuccess.com/resources (You can grab as many resources as you like once you get inside.)
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